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Gelsenkirchen Einwohner


The Changing Face of Gelsenkirchen: A Tale of Decline and Resurgence

A City's Population Journey

The German city of Gelsenkirchen has witnessed a significant transformation in its population over the past century. As per statistics gathered from the city's official website, Gelsenkirchen currently boasts around 265,000 inhabitants, dispersed across its 18 distinct districts. This figure represents a remarkable decline from the city's peak population in 1959, when it stood at an impressive 390,000 residents.

A Steep Decline and Gradual Recovery

In the years following the post-war boom, Gelsenkirchen's population underwent a dramatic decline, owing primarily to the city's reliance on heavy industry, which experienced a gradual downturn. The closure of numerous coal mines and steel mills during the 1960s and 1970s led to widespread unemployment and a subsequent exodus of residents. By 1987, the city's population had plunged to a low of around 250,000.

However, the city's fortunes began to turn in the late 1980s, as it underwent a process of economic restructuring. The establishment of new industries, coupled with significant investments in education and infrastructure, played a pivotal role in attracting new residents to Gelsenkirchen. As a result, the city's population has gradually increased over the past three decades.


Gelsenkirchen's population journey is a testament to the transformative power of economic and social change. Despite facing significant challenges, the city has emerged as a dynamic and vibrant hub, attracting residents with its diverse cultural offerings, educational opportunities, and growing economic prospects. The city's ability to adapt and reinvent itself serves as an inspiring example of resilience and determination, leaving a lasting impression of its remarkable journey from decline to resurgence.

